
How to wear a burgundy suit with shirt and tie

How to Wear a Burgundy Suit

The burgundy suit is a perfect escape from the usual black and navy suits we often see at formal events.

It adds a little color to your ensemble without coming off too flashy.

On the plus side, the rich red, complemented by the purple hues of burgundy, makes it ideal for formal settings.

Let’s see what you need to know to wear the burgundy suit properly!

The Formality of the Burgundy Suit

Burgundy comes in a rich and dark shade, enhancing the suit’s formality.

What is a burgundy suit?

Generally, the darker the shade of burgundy, the more formal the suit looks.

Even though burgundy is an out-of-the-ordinary suit color, you can even wear it to black-tie events.

This is also true for maroon suits since both shades come off as regal quite effortlessly.

Black-tie attire: burgundy tuxedo with black bow tie and white shirt

In fact, a burgundy suit can make you look sleeker and more appealing in a sea of black suits without being tacky.

However, this does not mean you can’t rock a casual look with a burgundy suit.

Burgundy suit with a black turtleneck for a casual look

While it is rich, formal, and bold, burgundy is still pretty versatile.

You just need to add a mix of the right shirt and accessories to turn it into a stylish casual ensemble.

Best Shirt Colors & Ties for a Burgundy Suit

You might be tempted to pair the rich burgundy suit with the classic white or black shirt.

However, a variety of other shirt colors blend well with a deep burgundy suit.

As a result, you shouldn’t let the complexity of burgundy hold you back from experimenting with different shirt colors.

Burgundy Suit & White Dress Shirt

There is no doubt that burgundy is an exciting color that doesn’t fall in most people’s comfort zone.

How to wear a burgundy suit with a white dress shirt

And the best way to tone down the intense burgundy shade is to pair it with a white dress shirt.

White looks fresh and crisp and helps the burgundy tones pop.

Add a black tie with a white shirt if you want to be playful but safe. It is the safest pair because it hardly ever creates a failed look.

Brown tie is also a good shift from the usual black since it naturally sits well with burgundy and white.

Burgundy suit color combinations with a white shirt and black, brown, and floral tie

You can also opt for a monochromatic look by adding a burgundy or maroon tie. The white shirt under this look prevents the outfit from coming off as too loud.

Navy tie is also one of the classics in men’s fashion. It adds warmth to the burgundy suit and offers a high level of sophistication.

Light blue or even a floral tie works pretty well if you want to add softness and flare to the look.

Burgundy Suit & Light Pink Dress Shirt

A good option other than white is pink. It effortlessly blends in with burgundy, especially because both colors have a red base.

How to wear a burgundy suit with a light pink dress shirt

As a result, a pink shirt under a burgundy suit looks naturally good and helps create an edgy look.

You can take elegance to the next level and keep things playful by adding a floral tie. Make sure the tie features both the shirt and suit colors.

Burgundy suit color combinations with a pink shirt and burgundy and floral tie

This combination is extremely inviting and warm, perfect cocktail attire, in my opinion.

If the floral is too much for you, your best bet is a burgundy or maroon tie to add a monochromatic twist.

Burgundy Suit & Navy Dress Shirt

Navy and burgundy, when put together, make for a serious, bold, and classy look.

How to wear a burgundy suit with a navy dress shirt and tie

Both colors are dark and rich, making them perfect for each other.

I would ditch the tie with this look if it were up to me.

A plain navy dress shirt under a burgundy suit is a class of its own that needs no tie to make you look smarter.

Wearing a burgundy suit with a navy dress shirt and without a tie

However, if you still wish to add a tie, stick to black or navy ties with classic stripes or patterns.

In either case, this combination will definitely help reflect your somber side.

You can also easily come off as dominant at dates or semi-formal cocktail events with this look.

What Else to Wear with a Burgundy Suit

Even though burgundy is quite formal, nothing can stop you from pulling off a casual burgundy look.

That’s what’s great about this color; it can create a strikingly sleek and smart look whether you go formal or casual.

And nothing is better than a patterned shirt, t-shirt, or even a black turtleneck to create a casual suit look.

Matching black turtleneck with a burgundy suit jacket

Just make sure to avoid the tie.

Burgundy Suit & Patterned Shirt

Patterned shirts add excitement to almost any suit.

Burgundy has an excitement of its own, and when paired with a patterned shirt, it creates an ultra-sleek yet casual look.

Wearing a burgundy suit with a patterned navy blue shirt

You just have to be careful about the colors in the shirt to create a winning ensemble.

I suggest you stick with a patterned shirt that features some light colors dominated by the navy. This is a great pick for a night out.

You can wear this combo for brunch by opting for a shirt with soft pink shades.

Or, if you want to make a lasting first impression on your date, a sage green patterned shirt is the way to go.

Burgundy Suit & T-Shirt

T-shirts under any suit create a carefree, relaxed, and easy look.

Adding a T-shirt to an already awe-inspiring burgundy suit is a great way to turn it into a casual ensemble.

However, you should stick to colors that settle well with burgundy, such as white, black, or even navy.

Wearing a burgundy suit with a pink t-shirt casually

I personally love how a burgundy suit blends in with a pink T-shirt.

Shoes that Match the Burgundy Suit

The color options for shoes are always limited when it comes to suits.

And it’s not a bad thing at all. You can easily pair any suit with black or brown shoes, and that is what also works best with burgundy.

Brown and black shoes match with a burgundy suit

However, one shoe color that you must avoid is burgundy itself.

Other than that, consider the occasion so that you know what type of formal or casual shoes you must wear.

Also, don’t mistake pairing white or a lighter shade of shoes with a dark burgundy suit.

Burgundy Suit & Black Shoes

Just like you can never go wrong with a white dress shirt, black shoes will never fail you, either.

How to wear a burgundy suit with a light blue shirt, black derby shoes, and a tie
Single-breasted, wool blends, maroon suit by Hockerty
Slim-fit light blue dress shirt by Calvin Klein
Checkered black and white woven tie by Scott Allen
Brushed leather black derby shoes by Bruno Marc

In fact, black shoes work universally well with almost any suit color, especially burgundy.

That’s because black creates a sharp contrast with the purplish burgundy hues.

So if you decide to go with the classic crisp white shirt, a pair of black shoes is definitely the best choice.

Also, if it’s a formal outfit, stick to Oxfords or derby dress shoe style.

Otherwise, you are good with black leather loafers or monk straps if you are rocking a casual outfit.

However, keep in mind that black is a rich dark color, which must be reserved for fully formal events.

Burgundy Suit & Brown Shoes

Brown shoes are better suited for a burgundy suit in some cases.

How to wear a burgundy suit with brown derby shoes, a white dress shirt, and a brown tie

For instance, if you have paired burgundy with an earthy-toned shirt or tie, I would suggest you wear brown shoes.

A sage green patterned shirt under a burgundy suit greatly benefits from a pair of brown derby or leather loafers depending on how casual you want to go.

Moreover, brown shoes also help soften the look for more relaxed events where black can come off as too formal.

Just don’t go for maroon or burgundy shoes because that simply looks off.

Other Accessories You Can Wear with Burgundy Suits

A suit is never complete without accessories, and this is especially true for burgundy.

Therefore, you should consider some accessories to nail the burgundy suit look.

Picking the Belt

It shouldn’t be news to you that belts are supposed to be the same color as the shoes.

This is a vital factor when it comes to wearing a suit, especially if you want to be taken seriously.

Moreover, the belt buckle should be simple yet elegant if it’s a formal look.

How to wear a burgundy suit with a brown belt

Even if you strive for a casual look, I recommend you keep things simple because a suit is always considered formal attire, no matter how casual you make it look.

Leather or Metal Watch

Adding a watch to a suit is like adding a cherry on top of a cake.

Try matching the leather watch strap with the shoe and belt color.

Otherwise, you can always opt for a metal watch that looks equally classy, if not more.

Contrasting Pocket Square

Contrasting pocket squares work well with outfits that include a tie.

How to wear a burgundy suit with a contrasting pocket square and tie

I would suggest you wear a pocket square for weddings, business dinners, etc.

Just make sure the pocket square-tie combo is a good match; otherwise, this tiny little detail can ruin the whole look.

How to Wear Burgundy Suit for Formal Events

Fully formal events call for a tuxedo. So that is what you need, but this time in burgundy.

However, this shade works best for autumn events, so keep in mind the season before putting on one.

You get the same level of class as a black tuxedo but with a little bit of spice.

Wearing burgundy suit for formal events

Put on a black bowtie, especially if your suit has a black satin shawl lapel.

You should not wear light shades of burgundy to black-tie events.

Stick to the darkest shades to keep up with the event’s formality.

How to Wear Burgundy Suit for Semi-Formal Events

You can wear a pink shirt and floral tie with a burgundy suit for semi-formal events.

If a floral tie is considered too casual for the event, you can switch to burgundy or black.

Again, a dress shirt is still required, and it’s best to opt for a white or light pink one.

Semi-formal wear: burgundy suit with a white shirt and a black tie

And don’t wear a tux or a t-shirt for semi-formal events.

Keep the shoes formal and try sticking to black, although there’s nothing wrong with brown oxfords or derby either.

How to Wear Burgundy Suit for Weddings

Weddings call for stylish yet sophisticated dressing.

A burgundy suit or a tuxedo and a black bow tie are best if you’re the groom.

How to wear a burgundy suit at a wedding: as a groom wearing a tuxedo

Otherwise, a floral tie and white shirt paired with a slim-cut suit introduce a successful wedding ensemble.

However, instead of sticking with the typical gray and navy, you can step up your game by adding the unexpected purple hues of burgundy.

Add black or brown shoes, a pocket square, a matching belt, and a metal watch to complete the look.

Wearing the Burgundy Suit Casually

Nothing can beat the exciting, playful, and relaxed look of a burgundy suit paired with a white t-shirt.

Casually wear a burgundy suit with a white t-shirt

You can ditch the tie and pocket square but add a leather strap watch.

Shoes can either be black or brown, or even white if you want to go fully casual.

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