
How to wear a blue dress shirt and different outfits for men

How to Wear a Blue Dress Shirt

It’s easy to lose track, thinking of the outfit ideas with the blue dress shirt.

After all, it’s the wizard of versatility that gets you covered from a board meeting to a wedding aisle.

But, although all this seems obvious, the outfits can be challenging to put together.

So let me show you some blue dress shirt outfit inspirations.

Most Stylish Blue Shirt Outfits with a Suit

The blue dress shirt is intrinsically classic. But it also has an aura of being modern and versatile.

Different ways to wear a blue dress shirt with a suit

And that gives you plenty of suit color options to wear the blue shirt.

A light blue dress shirt with classics like navy and grey suits seems business-appropriate. You need not worry about looking underdressed.

Additionally, it also matches with unorthodox suit colors like maroon and green. It connects formality with style, creating a debonair look overall.

And for the rest of the things, you can let the accessories do the talking.

Light Blue Dress Shirt & Navy Suit

A light blue dress shirt matches what a navy suit is all about – being formal and chic.

Together, these two create a very stylish and the most effortless outfit. Add a brown polka dot tie and black oxfords, and you’ll be good to go.

navy suit, blue dress shirt and brown tie color combination

But sometimes, all this can be too meh, and you’ll look like “Mr. Conservative.”

In that case, add some color and patterns to the tie. For example, red, orange, and green ties with some pattern motifs are always a good choice for a blue dress shirt.

Navy suit, blue shirt and dark green tie

Lastly, choose the classic black oxford shoes.

Light Blue Dress Shirt & Blue Suit

Again, a light blue dress with a blue suit is a super classic outfit. The elegance here lies in the simplicity of the outfit.

Blue suit, striped white/blue shirt, and dark grey tie

So, from daytime semi-formal events to evening cocktail parties, this combination works everywhere. Plus, it stays year-round.

A monochromatic look with a navy or dark-blue tie is the safest option but slightly dull. So a subtle pattern tie is again good to have with a light blue dress shirt.

Blue suit, blue dress shirt, navy tie, and brown oxford shoes

If you find this monochromatic color-scheme boring try something vibrant such as red or maroon ties. Again prefer patterns over a solid tie.

Blue suit, blue shirt, and red/blue plaid tie

Finally, finish off this look with black or dark brown oxfords.

Blue Dress Shirt & Charcoal Grey Suit

Whether you’re dressing for work, a wedding, or a cocktail party, a charcoal suit and a light blue shirt will always be an appropriate combination.

This outfit is a jazzed-up version of the traditional black-tie optional outfit.

Wearing a black tie with a charcoal suit and a light blue dress shirt will create a formal ensemble perfect for weddings.

Charcoal grey suit, blue dress shirt, black tie, and black Oxford shoes

The tie can be solid or maybe with some pattern that doesn’t call attention to itself.

Similarly, dark grey and navy ties would be lavish for this outfit.

Charcoal grey suit with light blue shirt and navy tie

Better avoid prominent motifs and disturbing tie patterns with this outfit. Keep everything simple and classic.

Carry the same idea with the shoes and choose a black cap toe or brogues.

Blue Dress Shirt & Brown Suit

The cool blue tones complement the brown suit‘s casual feel, creating a sophisticated and modern outfit.

Blue suit, light blue striped shirt, and navy blue tie

As the look is casual and not business-formal, you can experiment with the ties.

Wearing monochromatic navy and brown ties is an effortless option.

Brown suit, blue dress shirt, and black & brown striped tie

While the maroon, green or earthy-tone yellow tie will make the outfit more interesting.

Also, play with patterns such as stripes and plaids to enliven the outfit.

Brown suit, blue shirt, and foulard brown/maroon tie

Finally, complete the outfit with a brown oxford or double monks.

Blue Dress Shirt & Khaki/Tan Suit

The blue shirt and khaki suit combination is unmatchable for summer weddings, garden parties, and formal events in warmer months.

Khaki suit and blue shirt color combination

The shirt can be light blue to balance the warm and cool tones.

Or it could be a dark shade of blue to make the outfit more vibrant. Both are equally great.

Tan suit, blue denim shirt, and brown loafers

Now you can ditch the tie to go on full casual mode. Or you can play with colorful ties and patterns to make a statement.

A navy pin dot or a solid black tie are more serious options.

wearing a khaki suit with blue dress shirt and dark blue tie

In comparison, the pink and green paisley and florals will be frisky and casual.

Complement these color combinations with brown shoes.

Smart-Casual Ways to Wear a Blue Shirt

With the versatility of the blue shirt, it’s easy to forget about smart-casual styling as it’s so effortless to do.

Blue shirt, khaki pants, and navy/red patterned tie

Plus, it never goes wrong when combined with staple items and classic colors.

Navy trousers, a light blue dress shirt, and a grey sport coat make one such outfit.

Blue shirt, navy dress pants, and tan tassel loafers

Similarly, grey pants, a blue shirt, and a navy jacket is the other smart-casual outfit.

You can also ditch the jacket in favor of a grey wool blazer. Pair it with charcoal or black pants and a blue shirt for another elegant outfit.

Grey jacket, blue shirt, black pants, and blue minimal sneakers

You can pair all these outfits with white sneakers to avoid that “middle-aged” look.

Wearing a Blue Shirt with Khaki & Chinos

Khaki pants and chinos paired with a blue shirt form the great basics that remain timeless.

You can pair these with a grey or navy sweater and brown shoes to get a little cheeky. Or replace the sneakers with formal shoes to play flamboyant.

Navy sweater, blue shirt, grey chinos, and brown Oxford shoes

Similarly, a navy blazer over khaki chinos and a blue shirt make a timeless outfit. It’s a classic menswear ensemble that covers you for many occasions.

Navy suit jacket, blue shirt, tan pants, and brown shoes

The leather jacket can replace navy blazers for colder months. The outfit would still be quite stylish.

Both sneakers and boots will be good to match the overall vibe of the outfit.

Casual Wear: Blue Shirt with Jeans

When wearing a blue shirt with jeans, there are some considerations.

Light blue shirt, dark blue jeans, and brown loafers

First is that jeans should never be sloppy. Second, to have a contrast between the jeans and the blue shirt.

So, black and blue jeans are the two best options. And the shirt can be pale blue. It’s also better to go untucked.

Light blue shirt, blue jeans, and brown boat shoes

Finish this look with good-quality sneakers or loafers. Don’t wear dress shoes, as these contrast the outfit’s formality.

Also, wear a brown belt instead of a black one, and accessorize the outfit with a sporty watch.

Need more tips on pairing jeans with a dress shirt? Check out this post.

Shoes to Wear with a Blue Shirt

The blue dress shirt offers multiple outfits, everything from formal to casual.

So, the shoe choice should correspond with the number of looks.

Different oxford dress shoe types

The black oxfords, for example, could be your go-to shoes for formal settings.

Brown loafers if you’re dressing in a smart-casual way.

Different loafer types and formality

Monkstraps and brogues are suitable for both situations but are somewhat contemporary.

And finally, minimalist white sneakers if you’re going casual in a blue shirt.

Ties to Wear with a Blue Shirt

The orange tie offers maximum contrast to the blue.

In comparison, the navy and blue ties create a monochromatic color palette for the shirt.

These two represent two ends of the color-matching spectrum. Similarly, dull-red, maroon, brown, black, and green ties go well with a blue dress shirt.

Recommended tie colors and patterns for a blue dress shirt

For matching the tie color, you can go with the overall color palette of the outfit.

For example, a black tie will look great in a charcoal suit and black shoes.

Similarly, a brown patterned tie is excellent with a brown suit or brown shoes.

The tie patterns are equally important as the color.

With the blue shirt, it’s better to avoid solid ties. Choose patterns instead.

Things to Consider When Wearing a Blue Dress Shirt

From dark to light, blue has different shades. And you have the right one when wearing a blue dress shirt.

A light or mid-blue dress shirt is ideal. It’s on par with a white shirt in formality, and it’s calm. Plus, many styling possibilities.

Here are some other considerable things that portray the blue dress shirt.

The Material

Many things will speak about the shirt’s quality when wearing a blue shirt. The material, however, is among the key factors.

Cotton, poplin, oxford cloth, twill, linen, and silk are some available options. Woven or knitted doesn’t make that much of a difference.

Cotton vs. linen: blue shirt fabric differences

Cotton, by far, is the most popular material. It’s versatile and comfortable. Similarly, poplin and oxford cloth can be suitable fabrics.

But the point is to pick a high-quality fabric. So, the dress shirt looks crisp.

Proper Shirt Fit

The best blue dress shirt is the one that fits you right. For example, the collar should be gently resting against your neck.

How should a blue dress shirt fit

The shirt shoulders should match the body shoulders. Similarly, both the shirt length and sleeve length should be adequate.

The sleeves should be tapered, and armholes don’t restrict your movement. Lastly, the cuff should fit appropriately around the wrist.

Abiding by all these things, you’ll not only look good but feel more confident as well.

The Collar

When wearing a blue dress shirt, the collar frames the face. Plus, it impacts versatility. So, ultimately, the collar type is essential.

The anatomy of a dress shirt collar

A spread collar might be great for long and narrow faces due to its widening effect.

Similarly, a button-down collar is suitable for dressing down a bit.

However, the best option would be a medium spread collar with a button-up shirt.

The button-up blue dress shirt is appropriate for most face types and has maximum versatility. So, overall the perfect choice.

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